If you're reading this, it's because I couldn't get today's regular post done in time. I'm just... I can't right now. Sorry.
Also, I'm definitely going to need surgery. Sometime in mid-February. And I don't know when I'll have enough use of my hand back to start blogging again. Maybe one of you loyal readers can take over while I'm out?
Friday, January 17, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014
1x16 Young at Heart
I think it's remotely plausible that someone might love this show.
Welcome to 1x16 Young at Heart or "Salamander Hand? Wait, What?" or "Another Bad Guy from Mulder's Profiler Days Who Holds an Unreasonable Grudge and Has Also Become Somehow Paranormal." Seriously, how many of those do we see over the course of the series? 5? 6? It strikes me as very strange that good guys who were friends of Mulder and Scully back in the day tend to wind up dead, but bad guys who knew them somehow wind up with supernatural abilities. ...With the possible exception of Jack Willis from the previous episode, who sort of gets both. Even bad guys who make reappearances tend to come back more evil and more powerful.
In case you need reminding, here's a list of the themes we'll be examining when and if they crop up in each episode:
1. The show is as much about Scully's journey toward becoming a believer as it is about the paranormal events she and Mulder encounter.
2. Scully is only a skeptic when viewing things from a clinical distance; when the shit hits the fan, she acts on Mulder's crazy beliefs because she knows it will keep her alive.
3. Mulder isn't right nearly as often as he thinks.
4. The evolution of the Mulder/Scully relationship - not just the romantic involvement that eventually occurs, but their dynamics of trust and distrust, the changing ways they view each other, and the friendship that grows over time.
5. Assault on a federal officer never seems to lead to jail time.
6. Mulder is kind of a dick.
7. Hotels, car rental places, and apartment landlords must be crazy to rent to FBI agents.
8. The enormous top-secret government conspiracy actually really sucks at keeping things quiet.
9. There are some serious homoerotic undertones in this show.
10. The X-files department is super toxic to anyone who comes close to it.
11. Mulder and Scully are both terrible at their jobs.
12. Local law enforcement is portrayed in an extremely negative light.
13. This show is white-washed as fuck. And almost all the non-whites are villains or stereotypes.
14. Bathtubs are scary, terrible places that should be avoided at all costs.
15. Plot and logic will be completely discarded just so Scully can have some reason not to witness the big paranormal events of the episode.
Tashmoo Federal Correctional Facility
Pennsylvania, 1989
In what is probably the shortest teaser ever (under 1:45), an inmate in a wheelchair notices his buddy Barnett's bed is empty and hears screams coming from down the hallway. He goes to investigate and finds, uh...
The doc tells him tp GTFO because Barnett is dead, but wheelchair guy sees his milky corpse eyes blinking as he leaves.
Washington, D.C.
Present Day
After the title sequence, we open on Mulder and Scully heading to a jewelry store robber at the request of one of Mulder's old VCU buddies, Reggie... and holy crap everyone, it's a named character of color who has multiple lines and is relevant to the story and is not an asshole. For once. In defiance of #13.
He tells them that whoever robbed the jewelry store shot the sales girl AFTER she'd handed over the money, and left a piece of evidence Reggie repeatedly insists will blow Mulder's mind.
They two of them share some cryptic references to someone named Barnett until Scully, as frustrated as the viewer about not knowing WTF is going on here, asks to be clued in. Mulder explains that Barnett was his first case at the FBI, catching an armed robber/murderer ... and that an agent died during his arrest. Barnett also liked to taunt him with cryptic notes, which is the mind-blowing evidence that Reggie found:
Barnett got life in prison, but supposedly died there years ago.
We cut to some sort of FBI lab where a handwriting analyst is examining the note in between overt flirtations with Mulder. She says the note was written in the last 48 hours by someone right-handed, and is 95% certain it was written by Barnett.
Meanwhile, Scully and Reggie are in his office watching the video of the stakeout where they caught Barnett. On the screen, we watching Barnett taking the driver of an armored car hostage, holding a gun to his head. Mulder circles behind him and has a clear shot, but doesn't take it - for once, he's playing by the book, not firing when it could endanger a hostage. Barnett shoots his hostage and another agent before Mulder shoots him. Reggie says Mulder never forgave himself for that.
So yet another painful memory for Mulder to add to his giant pile of guilt. It's no wonder there's speculation that Mulder's Jewish, what with all the guilt and his weird relationship with his mother. And Scully has Catholic guilt and a weird relationship with her father. These two were made for each other, yo.
Mulder and Scully meet up around a fax machine (yet another archaic piece of technology, though this one is sadly still in use) where he tells her the results of the handwriting analysis and picks up the fax of Barnett's death certificate which has just come through. She thinks the note is from a copycat, and reveals that Reggie showed her the tape. He seems embarrassed and defensive, while Scully is understanding and comforting... and this is one of those scenes where tone of voice and subtle facial cues clue you in that these two are trying to hard to understand and be kind to each other because they really do care about each other. #4
And of course we get more insight into Mulder's unending self-flagellation:
Like, okay, I get it. Mulder feels serious guilt about this. God knows I feel guilty over all kinds of shit that wasn't half as PTSD-inducing as watching an agent die because I was following the rules. But is anyone else getting the feeling that (1) this kind of guilt complex would have gotten him removed from the FBI, if he even passed initial screenings to begin with and (2) they're setting this up as the impetus for his character to be constantly throwing away the rulebook? "Well last time I went by the book, an agent died and I tortured myself about it for several years, so now I'm going to whip out my gun and neglect to file travel plans and shirk my genuine responsibilities and ditch my partner even though she would really be great to have around to watch my back and keep me from being a moron, and go chasing aliens because rules are bad!"
Also I'm pretty sure a non-parent in a dark trenchcoat staring creepily at one prepubescent boy during a football game would get him kicked out and/or arrested.
He goes to leave, but finds an envelope inside his car with another taunting note ("A hunted Fox eventually dies.") and a stack of stalker-y photos of him and Scully. He yells "I'll get you, you son of a bitch!" which makes the football parents intensely uncomfortable and also draws the corpse-eyed gaze of another spectator, whose face is hidden behind his hat.
FBI Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
Reggie, competing for the cape of Captain Obvious, tells Mulder someone may be messing with his head. Mulder reminds him that Barnett threatened to "get him" during the trial, and that he "just feels" that this must be Barnett. Reggie tells him that a lot of people at the Bureau think "Spooky Mulder" could have been a contender but has just become an embarrassment, a disappointment, and a liability (which is totally the healthy thing to say to someone who's obviously coming apart at the seams) but Scully interrupts the Mulder Pity Party by bringing in Barnett's will - it says he was cremated and all his possessions were given to another prisoner, Joe Crandall.
Mulder goes to a computer lab where he has one of the techs age a photo of Barnett to what he'd probably look like today. At one point he just pauses, gazes off into the distance, and starts having a Vietnam-style flashback to the day he testified at Barnett's trial. He testifies to pretty much everything we learned from the video in Reggie's office, then goes on to have a big emotional outburst about how Barnett is devoid of humanity and should die like an animal. Just the first of several inappropriate courtroom outbursts Mulder will engage in over the course of the series. After Mulder steps down, Barnett turns to him, smiles, and mouths, "I'll get you." He winks and blows a kiss and... just... #9. In the creepiest way possible, but yeah, #9.
He snaps back to the present when Scully comes in to tell him something is fishy about Barnett's death certificate - it says he died of a heart attack, but his medical records show that he was admitted to the prison infirmary for an infected right hand, and there's no indication of cardiac complications.
Tashmoo Federal Correctional Facility
Moose and Squirrel show up to talk to Crandall, the prisoner in a wheel chair from the teaser. He tells them what REALLY happened the night Barnett died - the screams, the severed right hand, the blinking corpse eyes, and how Dr. Ridley threatened him with a scalpel to subtly drive home the point that Barnett was dead when he totally wasn't.
FBI Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
Mulder loads his gun and tells Scully he's not going to wait around for Barnett to send him any more Valentines. The phone rings - it's Barnett, calling to taunt Mulder in a voice that would not be out of place on a phone sex hotline. #9. "I stood next to you in line for coffee this morning... you're hotter than that latte you ordered... I'm close than you think... close enough to lick you... I'm everywhere you are... I own you, like the naughty little slave you are..."
Okay, some of that I may have put in myself, but it's implied. It's definitely implied.
There are also a bunch of extreme close ups of eyes and lips during their little exchange, and it's probably supposed to be all tense and dramatic but really it's just uncomfortable and kind of cheesey.
Scully runs back in just after Mulder hangs up, saying they couldn't complete a trace on the call (which is TV/movie drama bullshit, by the way, since instant traces have been possible since the early 80s). Mulder knows it's Barnett, though, as he detected a faint accent, because I guess Barnett is the only person on the earth who has it.
Mulder gets on the phone to Reggie, who has a hard time talking because Barnett is choking the life out of him in his own bed with this weird salamander hand thing...
Alas poor Reggie. Yet another victim of the curse that comes along with even the most casual contact with the X-files. #10.
The next morning, police comb through the crime scene at Reggie's apartment while Mulder stands around blaming himself.
They've found another note at the crime scene ("Funeral for Fox's friends - then for Fox.") which Mulder again brings to the handwriting analysis lab. The analyst reiterates that this note was almost certainly made by a right-hander, which Mulder thinks is just a little odd given the other inmate's statement that Barnett's right hand was cut off. The writing is too smooth to be from someone with a prosthetic hand, and it's almost certainly the same person as the first note.
Back down in the basement, Scully has been doing some digging on Dr. Ridley - who signed the death certificate - and found out he hasn't actually been a doctor for like 15 years, after his license was revoked for being evil. Specifically for performing experiments on kids with progeria. (Which makes me even more paranoid about ever going to prison, because apparently they don't care enough to do background checks on their staff doctors.)
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland
M&S talk to a doctor to get a nice exposition on progeria and more info on Ridley's experiments, which include conducting human experiments without government approval (because remember kids, it's okay to experiment with anti-aging gene therapy on children afflicted with a horrible and rare medical condition, but only if our infallible government says so!) The doctor also tells them that Ridley purportedly went to South America to continue his work, and for a second I thought this was going to go into Boys From Brazil territory (since one of Ridley's nicknames was Dr. Mengele) but sadly, I am disappoint.
I have to say I continue to be confused by the way they bring in random experts in Season One. Scully is a medical doctor, and fully capable of explaining to Mulder the details of progeria that the NIH doctor reveals. Heck, she could have even had her own little slideshow for once. And the FBI (as we will see in season six) has a department that does nothing but background checks - it should be relatively easy for them to find this information without visiting the NIH. This is a technique that almost totally vanishes in later seasons, for which I'm personally grateful as it allows them more time for story and removes a lot of boring exposition.
I guess they just really wanted to show off this actor's bitchin' pornstache.
As they leave, Mulder tells Scully he thinks Ridley found out how to reverse the aging process and that that's why they haven't found Barnett - he's disguised as a younger version of himself.
He goes back to the computer lab, this time to have the tech de-age Barnett's picture... and is that even a thing? Those programs are designed to age images, right? Why would it even have the capability to make someone look younger?
We then cut to Scully's apartment, where she's typing up her notes. Barnett's creepy salamander hand opens the door; she hears the creak and looks around, so she goes back to typing. Then she hears a few more weird sounds and decides, "Hmm, Mulder thinks the supposedly-dead madman with a personal grudge against him might be out to hurt his friends, I better check this out," so she grabs her gun. #2. Also putting this as #11 because really, she should be paranoid enough at this point to (1) never ignore creepy sounds in her apartment and (2) never have her gun out of arm's reach.
Before she actually sees creepy lizard man, there's a knock at her door - it's Dr. Ridley. Barnett, realizing now's not the time, sneaks away.
Later, Mulder and Scully listen while Ridley tells them that Barnett is his only patient to survive the experiments - except for his eyes, which seem to be dying, and his right hand which is a salamander hand because science, bitches. He also says that the US government was secretly funding his research even after he lost his license.
Because this is season one, and everything has to have a conspiracy around it.
This is Mulder's cue to go to a smokey dive bar for a clandestine meeting with Deep Throat,
who tells him that Barnett stole Ridley's research and has since been in negotiations with the US government, who want to buy it.
The next morning, Scully's phone rings while she's in the shower; someone enters her answering machine code and she comes out of the bathroom in time to hear that someone playing back her messages - one from her mother about nothing in particular (totally not the voice if the actress who plays Scully's mom, btw), and one from a friend we've never heard and will never hear of again inviting her to a cello recital.
It says a lot about how times have changed that I considered explaining answering machines and secret codes just then. But if you're too young to remember that kind of thing, explaining it would probably just confuse you.
Back at the X-files office, Scully brings in her answering machine and explains to Mulder what happened, and also how she thinks she was almost murdered by a lizard man the night before. As if on cue, Barnett calls again to deliver more heavy breathing and to threaten Ridley's life and all of Mulder's friends.
Janie Taylor Memorial Recital Hall
Washington, D.C.
Mulder explains to a group of agents that Scully is going to be Barnett Bait and could they please try not to let her die.
Scully is understandably nervous, probably because she's surrounded by incompetence; Mulder of course walks right by Barnett, who is tuning a piano with his hideous salamander hand in plain sight and staring with his creepy corpse eyes. I guess Mulder is too busy flirting. #11
Predictably, perhaps inevitably, Barnett pushes through the crowd and shoots Scully right in the chest. Rather than stick around and help his partner and leave the pursuit of Barnett to the literally dozens of other agents in the building whose judgement might not be clouded by personal feelings, Mulder takes off after him. #11 again.
Barnett takes the cellist hostage (Scully's dear friend, we presume, though we never learn her name nor hear a single line of dialogue from her), taunting Mulder that he'll never pull the trigger because it's against regulation to shoot him while he's got a hostage at gunpoint. I guess Barnett didn't do enough research - he doesn't know that in the last 5 years, Mulder has gone from the FBI's Golden Boy to the FBI's Most Unwanted, who doesn't give two shits about the rules anymore; Mulder shoots him in the chest.
Oh, and don't get too upset about Mulder's callous disregard for Scully's well-being; she was wearing a bullet-proof vest.
Later, Moose and Squirrel watch through an observation window as a team of doctor's try to save Barnett's life - and a Man in Black hovers over him, trying to find out where he's hidden Ridley's research. They all fail, and Barnett dies, taking his secrets with him.
The camera pans through a train station, finally settling on a single locker, as Mulder and Scully discuss the possibilities:
Spoiler alert: You have totally heard the last from John Barnett.
I really don't know how I feel about this episode. It feels like there were a lot of threads left dangling - not in a "ooooh spooky, wonder what happens next" kind of way, but in a "we ran out of time and/or didn't care" kind of way. Like, Barnett threatens Ridley, but we never see or hear of him again after he shows up at Scully's apartment to explain himself. Did Barnett kill him? Is he still out there? Why isn't the government trying to get the research data out of HIM instead of Barnett? After all, they funded it and he sort of understands everything about it, certainly more than Barnett ever could. The scenes with Ridley and with the NIH doctor feel completely out of place, like the writers couldn't figure out any better way to explain Barnett's condition without having a couple of doctors show up and straight up tell the viewer. One of my biggest peeves with the first season is how often the writers try to spoon feed us information rather than let us uncover it slowly alongside our heroes in a more organic way.
The government conspiracy angle here also felt out of place. I get that this is season one and they want us to understand that the government is shady and evil and all that, but it felt like such a throwaway plot line that I don't know why they even bothered to put it in to begin with. Here's a little writing tip: if you can remove a minor filler plot element without changing the story at all, you should probably get rid of it. Would this episode have been any different at all without that 10-second scene with Deep Throat and Ridley's casual mention that the government wanted to buy the stolen research? The only thing that would have changed AT ALL is the very very end, with the voiceover and the locker close-up, which leads me to believe the writers through it in there because they didn't know how else to wrap up the episode.
It also felt like the cello recital thing was forced. I get that they needed a place for Scully to be where Barnett could come for her, but there is no continuity with regards to Scully's non-work relationships that would explain why she's going to this friend's cello recital. The friend comes out of nowhere to provide a convenient plot device, get held hostage for like 10 seconds, and then vanish, never to be seen or heard from again. OMG, you guys, Scully's friends are just like Zack Morris's non-Kelly love interests - they just disappear into that dark night.
Next week we move on to EBE, one of the best mytharc episodes of season one, and not just because it actually makes sense in the context of the larger mythology of later seasons.
Firsts: Mulder's inappropriate courtroom outbursts
Welcome to 1x16 Young at Heart or "Salamander Hand? Wait, What?" or "Another Bad Guy from Mulder's Profiler Days Who Holds an Unreasonable Grudge and Has Also Become Somehow Paranormal." Seriously, how many of those do we see over the course of the series? 5? 6? It strikes me as very strange that good guys who were friends of Mulder and Scully back in the day tend to wind up dead, but bad guys who knew them somehow wind up with supernatural abilities. ...With the possible exception of Jack Willis from the previous episode, who sort of gets both. Even bad guys who make reappearances tend to come back more evil and more powerful.
In case you need reminding, here's a list of the themes we'll be examining when and if they crop up in each episode:
1. The show is as much about Scully's journey toward becoming a believer as it is about the paranormal events she and Mulder encounter.
2. Scully is only a skeptic when viewing things from a clinical distance; when the shit hits the fan, she acts on Mulder's crazy beliefs because she knows it will keep her alive.
3. Mulder isn't right nearly as often as he thinks.
4. The evolution of the Mulder/Scully relationship - not just the romantic involvement that eventually occurs, but their dynamics of trust and distrust, the changing ways they view each other, and the friendship that grows over time.
5. Assault on a federal officer never seems to lead to jail time.
6. Mulder is kind of a dick.
7. Hotels, car rental places, and apartment landlords must be crazy to rent to FBI agents.
8. The enormous top-secret government conspiracy actually really sucks at keeping things quiet.
9. There are some serious homoerotic undertones in this show.
10. The X-files department is super toxic to anyone who comes close to it.
11. Mulder and Scully are both terrible at their jobs.
12. Local law enforcement is portrayed in an extremely negative light.
13. This show is white-washed as fuck. And almost all the non-whites are villains or stereotypes.
14. Bathtubs are scary, terrible places that should be avoided at all costs.
15. Plot and logic will be completely discarded just so Scully can have some reason not to witness the big paranormal events of the episode.
Tashmoo Federal Correctional Facility
Pennsylvania, 1989
In what is probably the shortest teaser ever (under 1:45), an inmate in a wheelchair notices his buddy Barnett's bed is empty and hears screams coming from down the hallway. He goes to investigate and finds, uh...
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Just move along. Nothing to see here, folks. |
Washington, D.C.
Present Day
After the title sequence, we open on Mulder and Scully heading to a jewelry store robber at the request of one of Mulder's old VCU buddies, Reggie... and holy crap everyone, it's a named character of color who has multiple lines and is relevant to the story and is not an asshole. For once. In defiance of #13.
He tells them that whoever robbed the jewelry store shot the sales girl AFTER she'd handed over the money, and left a piece of evidence Reggie repeatedly insists will blow Mulder's mind.
They two of them share some cryptic references to someone named Barnett until Scully, as frustrated as the viewer about not knowing WTF is going on here, asks to be clued in. Mulder explains that Barnett was his first case at the FBI, catching an armed robber/murderer ... and that an agent died during his arrest. Barnett also liked to taunt him with cryptic notes, which is the mind-blowing evidence that Reggie found:

Barnett got life in prison, but supposedly died there years ago.
We cut to some sort of FBI lab where a handwriting analyst is examining the note in between overt flirtations with Mulder. She says the note was written in the last 48 hours by someone right-handed, and is 95% certain it was written by Barnett.
Meanwhile, Scully and Reggie are in his office watching the video of the stakeout where they caught Barnett. On the screen, we watching Barnett taking the driver of an armored car hostage, holding a gun to his head. Mulder circles behind him and has a clear shot, but doesn't take it - for once, he's playing by the book, not firing when it could endanger a hostage. Barnett shoots his hostage and another agent before Mulder shoots him. Reggie says Mulder never forgave himself for that.
So yet another painful memory for Mulder to add to his giant pile of guilt. It's no wonder there's speculation that Mulder's Jewish, what with all the guilt and his weird relationship with his mother. And Scully has Catholic guilt and a weird relationship with her father. These two were made for each other, yo.
Mulder and Scully meet up around a fax machine (yet another archaic piece of technology, though this one is sadly still in use) where he tells her the results of the handwriting analysis and picks up the fax of Barnett's death certificate which has just come through. She thinks the note is from a copycat, and reveals that Reggie showed her the tape. He seems embarrassed and defensive, while Scully is understanding and comforting... and this is one of those scenes where tone of voice and subtle facial cues clue you in that these two are trying to hard to understand and be kind to each other because they really do care about each other. #4
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Scully's "sympathetic head tilt and compassionate eyebrows" combo. |
And of course we get more insight into Mulder's unending self-flagellation:
SCULLY: You did the right thing, Mulder.He of course immediately heads to said kid's football practice in order to wallow in his guilt some more.
MULDER: Did I? Steve Wallenberg [the agent Barnett killed] had a wife and two kids. One of his boys is an all-star on his football team now. If I had pulled the trigger two seconds earlier and Wallenberg would be here to see his kid play. Instead, I got some dead man robbing jewelry stores and sending me haikus.


Like, okay, I get it. Mulder feels serious guilt about this. God knows I feel guilty over all kinds of shit that wasn't half as PTSD-inducing as watching an agent die because I was following the rules. But is anyone else getting the feeling that (1) this kind of guilt complex would have gotten him removed from the FBI, if he even passed initial screenings to begin with and (2) they're setting this up as the impetus for his character to be constantly throwing away the rulebook? "Well last time I went by the book, an agent died and I tortured myself about it for several years, so now I'm going to whip out my gun and neglect to file travel plans and shirk my genuine responsibilities and ditch my partner even though she would really be great to have around to watch my back and keep me from being a moron, and go chasing aliens because rules are bad!"
Also I'm pretty sure a non-parent in a dark trenchcoat staring creepily at one prepubescent boy during a football game would get him kicked out and/or arrested.
He goes to leave, but finds an envelope inside his car with another taunting note ("A hunted Fox eventually dies.") and a stack of stalker-y photos of him and Scully. He yells "I'll get you, you son of a bitch!" which makes the football parents intensely uncomfortable and also draws the corpse-eyed gaze of another spectator, whose face is hidden behind his hat.

FBI Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
Reggie, competing for the cape of Captain Obvious, tells Mulder someone may be messing with his head. Mulder reminds him that Barnett threatened to "get him" during the trial, and that he "just feels" that this must be Barnett. Reggie tells him that a lot of people at the Bureau think "Spooky Mulder" could have been a contender but has just become an embarrassment, a disappointment, and a liability (which is totally the healthy thing to say to someone who's obviously coming apart at the seams) but Scully interrupts the Mulder Pity Party by bringing in Barnett's will - it says he was cremated and all his possessions were given to another prisoner, Joe Crandall.
Mulder goes to a computer lab where he has one of the techs age a photo of Barnett to what he'd probably look like today. At one point he just pauses, gazes off into the distance, and starts having a Vietnam-style flashback to the day he testified at Barnett's trial. He testifies to pretty much everything we learned from the video in Reggie's office, then goes on to have a big emotional outburst about how Barnett is devoid of humanity and should die like an animal. Just the first of several inappropriate courtroom outbursts Mulder will engage in over the course of the series. After Mulder steps down, Barnett turns to him, smiles, and mouths, "I'll get you." He winks and blows a kiss and... just... #9. In the creepiest way possible, but yeah, #9.

He snaps back to the present when Scully comes in to tell him something is fishy about Barnett's death certificate - it says he died of a heart attack, but his medical records show that he was admitted to the prison infirmary for an infected right hand, and there's no indication of cardiac complications.
Tashmoo Federal Correctional Facility
Moose and Squirrel show up to talk to Crandall, the prisoner in a wheel chair from the teaser. He tells them what REALLY happened the night Barnett died - the screams, the severed right hand, the blinking corpse eyes, and how Dr. Ridley threatened him with a scalpel to subtly drive home the point that Barnett was dead when he totally wasn't.
FBI Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
Mulder loads his gun and tells Scully he's not going to wait around for Barnett to send him any more Valentines. The phone rings - it's Barnett, calling to taunt Mulder in a voice that would not be out of place on a phone sex hotline. #9. "I stood next to you in line for coffee this morning... you're hotter than that latte you ordered... I'm close than you think... close enough to lick you... I'm everywhere you are... I own you, like the naughty little slave you are..."
Okay, some of that I may have put in myself, but it's implied. It's definitely implied.
There are also a bunch of extreme close ups of eyes and lips during their little exchange, and it's probably supposed to be all tense and dramatic but really it's just uncomfortable and kind of cheesey.
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I'm also more than slightly entranced by that panty-melting green gaze... |
Mulder gets on the phone to Reggie, who has a hard time talking because Barnett is choking the life out of him in his own bed with this weird salamander hand thing...
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Because getting strangled in your own bed isn't bad enough, you have to feel the cold clammy skin of an amphibious limb pressing the life out of you. |
Alas poor Reggie. Yet another victim of the curse that comes along with even the most casual contact with the X-files. #10.
The next morning, police comb through the crime scene at Reggie's apartment while Mulder stands around blaming himself.
They've found another note at the crime scene ("Funeral for Fox's friends - then for Fox.") which Mulder again brings to the handwriting analysis lab. The analyst reiterates that this note was almost certainly made by a right-hander, which Mulder thinks is just a little odd given the other inmate's statement that Barnett's right hand was cut off. The writing is too smooth to be from someone with a prosthetic hand, and it's almost certainly the same person as the first note.
Back down in the basement, Scully has been doing some digging on Dr. Ridley - who signed the death certificate - and found out he hasn't actually been a doctor for like 15 years, after his license was revoked for being evil. Specifically for performing experiments on kids with progeria. (Which makes me even more paranoid about ever going to prison, because apparently they don't care enough to do background checks on their staff doctors.)
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland
M&S talk to a doctor to get a nice exposition on progeria and more info on Ridley's experiments, which include conducting human experiments without government approval (because remember kids, it's okay to experiment with anti-aging gene therapy on children afflicted with a horrible and rare medical condition, but only if our infallible government says so!) The doctor also tells them that Ridley purportedly went to South America to continue his work, and for a second I thought this was going to go into Boys From Brazil territory (since one of Ridley's nicknames was Dr. Mengele) but sadly, I am disappoint.
I have to say I continue to be confused by the way they bring in random experts in Season One. Scully is a medical doctor, and fully capable of explaining to Mulder the details of progeria that the NIH doctor reveals. Heck, she could have even had her own little slideshow for once. And the FBI (as we will see in season six) has a department that does nothing but background checks - it should be relatively easy for them to find this information without visiting the NIH. This is a technique that almost totally vanishes in later seasons, for which I'm personally grateful as it allows them more time for story and removes a lot of boring exposition.
I guess they just really wanted to show off this actor's bitchin' pornstache.

As they leave, Mulder tells Scully he thinks Ridley found out how to reverse the aging process and that that's why they haven't found Barnett - he's disguised as a younger version of himself.
He goes back to the computer lab, this time to have the tech de-age Barnett's picture... and is that even a thing? Those programs are designed to age images, right? Why would it even have the capability to make someone look younger?
We then cut to Scully's apartment, where she's typing up her notes. Barnett's creepy salamander hand opens the door; she hears the creak and looks around, so she goes back to typing. Then she hears a few more weird sounds and decides, "Hmm, Mulder thinks the supposedly-dead madman with a personal grudge against him might be out to hurt his friends, I better check this out," so she grabs her gun. #2. Also putting this as #11 because really, she should be paranoid enough at this point to (1) never ignore creepy sounds in her apartment and (2) never have her gun out of arm's reach.
Before she actually sees creepy lizard man, there's a knock at her door - it's Dr. Ridley. Barnett, realizing now's not the time, sneaks away.
Later, Mulder and Scully listen while Ridley tells them that Barnett is his only patient to survive the experiments - except for his eyes, which seem to be dying, and his right hand which is a salamander hand because science, bitches. He also says that the US government was secretly funding his research even after he lost his license.
Because this is season one, and everything has to have a conspiracy around it.
This is Mulder's cue to go to a smokey dive bar for a clandestine meeting with Deep Throat,
![]() |
Two grown men meeting in a dark corner of a seedy bar to have an intense whispered conversation mere inches from each other's faces. Nothing suggestive about that. #9 |
The next morning, Scully's phone rings while she's in the shower; someone enters her answering machine code and she comes out of the bathroom in time to hear that someone playing back her messages - one from her mother about nothing in particular (totally not the voice if the actress who plays Scully's mom, btw), and one from a friend we've never heard and will never hear of again inviting her to a cello recital.
It says a lot about how times have changed that I considered explaining answering machines and secret codes just then. But if you're too young to remember that kind of thing, explaining it would probably just confuse you.
Back at the X-files office, Scully brings in her answering machine and explains to Mulder what happened, and also how she thinks she was almost murdered by a lizard man the night before. As if on cue, Barnett calls again to deliver more heavy breathing and to threaten Ridley's life and all of Mulder's friends.
Janie Taylor Memorial Recital Hall
Washington, D.C.
Mulder explains to a group of agents that Scully is going to be Barnett Bait and could they please try not to let her die.
Scully is understandably nervous, probably because she's surrounded by incompetence; Mulder of course walks right by Barnett, who is tuning a piano with his hideous salamander hand in plain sight and staring with his creepy corpse eyes. I guess Mulder is too busy flirting. #11
Predictably, perhaps inevitably, Barnett pushes through the crowd and shoots Scully right in the chest. Rather than stick around and help his partner and leave the pursuit of Barnett to the literally dozens of other agents in the building whose judgement might not be clouded by personal feelings, Mulder takes off after him. #11 again.
Barnett takes the cellist hostage (Scully's dear friend, we presume, though we never learn her name nor hear a single line of dialogue from her), taunting Mulder that he'll never pull the trigger because it's against regulation to shoot him while he's got a hostage at gunpoint. I guess Barnett didn't do enough research - he doesn't know that in the last 5 years, Mulder has gone from the FBI's Golden Boy to the FBI's Most Unwanted, who doesn't give two shits about the rules anymore; Mulder shoots him in the chest.
Oh, and don't get too upset about Mulder's callous disregard for Scully's well-being; she was wearing a bullet-proof vest.

Later, Moose and Squirrel watch through an observation window as a team of doctor's try to save Barnett's life - and a Man in Black hovers over him, trying to find out where he's hidden Ridley's research. They all fail, and Barnett dies, taking his secrets with him.
The camera pans through a train station, finally settling on a single locker, as Mulder and Scully discuss the possibilities:
MULDER: If Barnett didn't destroy it, he could have stashed it anywhere. Which would have a cruel irony, wouldn't it? Scientific knowledge that could change the course of mankind buried out in a field somewhere or in some safe deposit box. Getting old, just like the rest of us.
SCULLY: If it didn't destroy it, chances are that somehow, someday, somebody will find it.
MULDER: And when they do... maybe he can get his revenge from beyond the grave but somehow, I feel like we haven't heard the last from John Barnett.

Spoiler alert: You have totally heard the last from John Barnett.
I really don't know how I feel about this episode. It feels like there were a lot of threads left dangling - not in a "ooooh spooky, wonder what happens next" kind of way, but in a "we ran out of time and/or didn't care" kind of way. Like, Barnett threatens Ridley, but we never see or hear of him again after he shows up at Scully's apartment to explain himself. Did Barnett kill him? Is he still out there? Why isn't the government trying to get the research data out of HIM instead of Barnett? After all, they funded it and he sort of understands everything about it, certainly more than Barnett ever could. The scenes with Ridley and with the NIH doctor feel completely out of place, like the writers couldn't figure out any better way to explain Barnett's condition without having a couple of doctors show up and straight up tell the viewer. One of my biggest peeves with the first season is how often the writers try to spoon feed us information rather than let us uncover it slowly alongside our heroes in a more organic way.
The government conspiracy angle here also felt out of place. I get that this is season one and they want us to understand that the government is shady and evil and all that, but it felt like such a throwaway plot line that I don't know why they even bothered to put it in to begin with. Here's a little writing tip: if you can remove a minor filler plot element without changing the story at all, you should probably get rid of it. Would this episode have been any different at all without that 10-second scene with Deep Throat and Ridley's casual mention that the government wanted to buy the stolen research? The only thing that would have changed AT ALL is the very very end, with the voiceover and the locker close-up, which leads me to believe the writers through it in there because they didn't know how else to wrap up the episode.
It also felt like the cello recital thing was forced. I get that they needed a place for Scully to be where Barnett could come for her, but there is no continuity with regards to Scully's non-work relationships that would explain why she's going to this friend's cello recital. The friend comes out of nowhere to provide a convenient plot device, get held hostage for like 10 seconds, and then vanish, never to be seen or heard from again. OMG, you guys, Scully's friends are just like Zack Morris's non-Kelly love interests - they just disappear into that dark night.
Next week we move on to EBE, one of the best mytharc episodes of season one, and not just because it actually makes sense in the context of the larger mythology of later seasons.
Firsts: Mulder's inappropriate courtroom outbursts
Friday, January 3, 2014
1x15 Lazarus
I am the key figure in an ongoing blogger project; a project to review each episode of The X-Files in chronological order. It's a global project, actually, with awesome readers in the highest levels of nerdiness and hopefully it will be read by every man, woman, and child on the face of this planet.
This week we're looking at 1x15 Lazaraus, the first of four count 'em four episodes in S1 that focus on the idea of immortality / coming back from the dead. It's like one of the writers had the idea, and then everyone else thought they could write a story about it too, and they just decided "Fuck it, we'll shoot all of 'em." Which is how we wind up with Lazarus (dead guy comes back in someone else's body), Young at Heart (dead guy comes back as, like, a backwards-aging lizard or something), Born Again (dead guy comes back in someone else's body, but this time it's a little girl), and Roland (dead guy comes back by possessing his long lost mentally-challenged brother). Every season seems to have at least one episode about life-after-death and the possibility of returning to this mortal coil from beyond the grave, but this season has more than any other and it just feels weird, especially because they come in two back-to-back pairs: 1x15 Lazarus / 1x16 Young at Heart and 1x22 Born Again / 1x23 Roland. And three of them are basically the same but with different possessed vessels.
This episode does give us some insight into Scully's past, which as far as I'm concerned is the best part of it. We already know, thanks to Fire, that Mulder has a thing for dark-haired women who treat him like crap (maybe this has something to do with his sister); in this episode, we learn that Scully has a thing for older men who are in some way inappropriate for her (which is totally a daddy-issue thing). These people don't have issues. They have subscriptions.
Anyway, in case you've forgotten, here's a list of the themes we'll be examining as we go through each recap:
1. The show is as much about Scully's journey toward becoming a believer as it is about the paranormal events she and Mulder encounter.
2. Scully is only a skeptic when viewing things from a clinical distance; when the shit hits the fan, she acts on Mulder's crazy beliefs because she knows it will keep her alive.
3. Mulder isn't right nearly as often as he thinks.
4. The evolution of the Mulder/Scully relationship - not just the romantic involvement that eventually occurs, but their dynamics of trust and distrust, the changing ways they view each other, and the friendship that grows over time.
5. Assault on a federal officer never seems to lead to jail time.
6. Mulder is kind of a dick.
7. Hotels, car rental places, and apartment landlords must be crazy to rent to FBI agents.
8. The enormous top-secret government conspiracy actually really sucks at keeping things quiet.
9. There are some serious homoerotic undertones in this show.
10. The X-files department is super toxic to anyone who comes close to it.
11. Mulder and Scully are both terrible at their jobs.
12. Local law enforcement is protrayed in an extremely negative light.
13. This show is white-washed as fuck. And almost all the non-whites are villains or stereotypes.
14. Bathtubs are scary, terrible places that should be avoided at all costs.
15. Plot and logic will be completely discarded just so Scully can have some reason not to witness the big paranormal events of the episode.
Maryland Marine Bank
5:55 PM
We open on Scully and another agent, Jack Willis, totally failing at looking casual while they stake out the bank - they've gotten a tip it's about to be robbed. There's just enough familiarity in the way they talk to each other to let the viewer know they're not just colleagues.
Meanwhile, outside, a couple of bank robbers are getting ready to go Bonnie and Clyde on the place. The woman, Lula, seems a bit nervous but the man, Dupre, is far too sexually aroused at the prospect of money and violence to care about her feelings. He kisses her, and we see the tattoo on his arm.
Dupre throws on a hockey mask and kicks his way into the bank, demanding the teller hand over all the money. Willis and Scully pull their guns on him, and Dupre starts to slowly lower his gun... then raises it again lightning quick and shoots Willis in the chest. Scully puts 3 rounds into the robber, dropping him.
Later, in the hospital, a bunch of doctors are gathered around Willis, trying to get his heart started again, while Scully hovers nearby looking very worried. The other doctors want to give up, but Scully pushes them to keep shocking his heart again and again... and unnoticed by everyone but the viewer, Dupre's nearby corpse convulses each time they shock Willis. Finally they get a rhythm, and the camera pans over to linger on the tattoo on Dupre's arm.
Betheda Naval Hospital
12:51 A.M.
Two Days Later
After the opening credits, we cut to a hospital room where "Willis" is hooked up to a bunch of machines. He wakes suddenly and goes to another patient's room to steal his clothes. A nurse comes in and he hides in the bathroom, ready to strangle her with a piece of rubber tubing. Luckily she leaves without noticing him, and he seems confused when he looks into the mirror. He goes down to the morgue and finds Dupre's body in a drawer and (ew ew ew) cuts its finger off to get the wedding ring.
So, uh, spoiler alert, guys, but that's not Willis. That's Dupre in Willis's body. Like, they're not really subtle about it at all, and it gets confirmed just a few minutes into the episode when Dupre's tattoo starts showing up on Willis's arm. For the sake of clarity, rather than typing "Dupre in Willis's body" every time, I'm just going to refer to him as Dupre, and "Willis" is shorthand for "the guy everyone thinks is Willis but is really Dupre in Willis's body."... because my wrist still hurts and won't you please have some pity on me?
Later, Mulder and Scully meet up in the morgue where everyone is more than a little weirded out by the fact that "Willis" is missing and someone cut off Dupre's corpse's finger. Scully thinks "Willis" might have done it out of stress and that he's vanished to hunt down Dupre's partner/lover, Lula.
She's right - Dupre kicks down the door of Lula's home but finds it empty. He rolls up his sleeve to root around in the chimney (presumably for a gun or the stolen money) and sees that his tattoo is slowly showing up on his shiny new body.
Back at the X-Files office, Mulder shows Scully a couple of prints lifted from the shears used to sever the corpse's finger - prints which indicate that the person was left handed. It's a positive match to Willis's print, but he was right-handed; Dupre, however, was a lefty. He shows her an EKG from the ER that shows Willis's cardiac activity, and she grudgingly admits that it looks like there are two heartbeats.
Department of Biology
Mulder drags Scully to meet another of his crackpot cohorts, this one a professor of biology who asks Scully what she knows about near-death experiences. He's basically a thinly-veiled deus ex machina who tells the audience what a near-death experience is and how sometimes people come back... different. I feel like this would have worked better as one of Mulder's kooky slideshow exposition things, because we will never see this professor again and he's otherwise completely irrelevant to the story, but maybe they were tired of having Mulder be the constant know-it-all. This scene feels more like sitting in a lecture hall than watching a hit prime-time TV show.
Scully, however, is still convinced that "Willis" is still Willis. She tells Mulder that she and Willis dated when he was still her instructor at the FBI Academy and wow should that be a red flag.
Dang, Scully. Who knew beneath that enormous fucking trench coat there beats the heart of a strumpet. I can't tell if Mulder in that screencap is turned on, freaked out, shocked at the realization that Scully is a sexual being, or considering what he'd have to do to get Scully to drop that cool veneer for him, too. #4?
Oh, and she mentions that she and Willis have the same birthday.
Cut to Dupre kicking down some poor schmuck's door and assaulting him in his shitty-ass apartment. The schmuck is Lula's brother, Tommy, and Dupre wants to know where she is. Dupre starts bleeding, as if from a gunshot wound, and gets creepily sentimental about Lula before shooting her brother in the freaking head.
Because nothing says, "I love you" like murdering someone's sibling.
Crime Scene
Desmond Arms Resident Hotel
Mulder, Scully, and a bunch of other agents poke around the shitty-assapartment hotel room and Dupre shows up, pretending he's still Willis. He sees Scully and flashes back to her shooting him dead, so that's probably not going to end well. She pulls him out into the hallway to discuss just what the fuck he's been doing all this time, and he doesn't have an answer beyond, "Uh, I wasn't feeling well."
Mulder, sensing that something isn't quite right, follows Willis to the shooting range (where he is firing left-handed) and gets him to sign a birthday card for Scully (which he also does left-handed, and also her birthday is months away).
He brings her the card, citing it as evidence that "Willis" is not Willis anymore; oh, and the signature on the card looks nothing like Willis's signature on file; and also, the print they found at the shitty-ass hotel room has gone missing from the lab. But she still refuses to believe that "Willis" is really Dupre.
I mean, I get that this is early seasons-Scully and she's not all the way on board Mulder's crazy train. And they're talking about her ex here, so she's even more defensive than usual. But this is stubborn even for Scully. Out-of-character stubborn. Normally at this point in the episode she's at least sort of thinking that maybe something spooky could conceivably be happening, or at least humoring Mulder enough to allow him to go poking his (distinguished) nose into things. At a bare minimum, she should be considering that Willis has been seriously affected by the whole "almost dying" thing, maybe even suffering brain damage after being clinically dead for over 13 minutes - especially with that bit about the handwriting. But she seems totally blase about it, just accepting that "Willis" passed his psych and physical evals and has been cleared to return to duty.
Also there is NO WAY that Dupre would pass an actual FBI psych eval. He's a former prison guard who fell in love (obsessively in love, mind you) with an inmate and then spent a year crisscrossing the country on a bank robbery / murder spree. It's not like he has access to the real Willis's memories or anything to help him pass the test - after all, then he'd remember Scully's birthday and how to sign his host's name. If that guy can actually pass a FBI psychological exam, then there's hope for just about anyone (and it explains how Mulder got in in the first place...).
To Scully's credit, she does at least make some effort to make sure "Willis" is okay - she heads up to his cubicle at the VCU to ask about the missing fingerprint. He's a little distracted, however, because he's just received a phone call with a lead to Lula's location: a landlord thinks that Lula is in his building.
Scully and Dupre head out (for some reason Scully doesn't see fit to bring Mulder along...). "Willis" says he's called for backup but insists they can't wait any longer. They spot Lula just as she's about to go do some laundry.
They give chase, with Scully finally tackling and cuffing Lula in the basement of the building after a brief struggle. Dupre approaches, picks up Scully's gun... and tosses her a pair of handcuffs, ordering her at gunpoint to put them on. And not in that cool sexy way you know they did before.
Scully FINALLY keys in that something is kind of amiss here
when "Willis" starts caressing Lula's face and getting weirdly sentimental.
We skip some time and probably a very awkward car ride and cut to Scully cuffed to a radiator, her lip swollen and bloody. Dupre is trying to convince Lula that he's still him, just with a new face, by telling her stories of their time together.
Lula must be way less paranoid about her health than I am, because that story seems to convince her that this really is Dupre, just wearing Willis's face. And she doesn't seem too thrilled about it:
We cut back to the apartment building where Mulder and some other agent have just finished talking to the landlord who gave "Willis" the tip. Mulder manages to keep a terse front to mask just how badly he's freaking out about the fact that Scully has now been missing for 12 hours. Luckily he doesn't have to wait much longer - Dupre calls his cell seemingly just to taunt him with Scully's frightened voice.
After Dupre hangs up, Scully tries to reason with him, reaching to the Willis she thinks is still inside - she tells him the real Willis's birthday and address, and about a weekend the two of them spent at his parents' cabin in a snow storm. Dupre starts seeing flashes of those memories, but he pushes those memories away, telling Scully he remembers that she shot him and then let him die in order to save Willis... but he came back instead.
He jabs a gun into her face but Lula comes in before he can pull the trigger, reminding him that they need Scully alive. He takes a sip of her soda and Scully tells him that Jack Willis's body is diabetic and pleads with him to get insulin before he goes into a diabetic coma.
It says a lot about Scully's character that even though "Willis" cuffed her, kidnapped her, hit her at least once, and shoved a gun into her cheek and threatened to blow her away, she still wants to save his life. This is almost the anti-#1, refusing to believe in the weird shit that's happening even though her life is in danger, because she doesn't want to accept that someone she cares about is gone. This scene kind of sets up her relationship with Mulder - how she constantly tries to save him even when he's an ass, even when it causes her to suffer, and how she refuses to give up on him no matter how grim things get. Not gonna mark that as #4 just yet, but it's an interesting character trait to see developing.
FBI Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
Mulder pours over Willis's notes about Lula and Dupre, hoping for some clue as to where they could be holding Scully. On a tape recording, Willis talks about the "intoxicating freedom" of their life of crime. He gets a page (OMG a pager! It's like seeing the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park for the first time) and calls a meeting with some other agents. He says that a gas station just got robbed but the only thing taken was insulin, so Scully and "Willis" must be nearby.
Back at... wherever they are, Dupre has released Scully, who is getting ready to give him an insulin injection before he passes out. Lula stops her, pointing a gun at her and knocking the insulin to the floor. She tells Dupre that she was the one who tipped the FBI to the bank robbery in the teaser - she just wanted to get rid of him and keep the money.
Damn bitch, you cold.
Cut to the FBI office. Mulder gets a call from Lula, who wants a million dollars by tomorrow or Scully dies. Mulder, less than happy, drops this line:
They can't trace the phone number because Lula called on Scully's cell (and triangulating from cell towers or using a phone's internal GPS was not a thing back then, my sweet summer children) but they CAN filter out Lula's voice to analyze the background noise. They manage to isolate the sound of a small-engine plane taking off.
Mulder calls a meeting in the briefing room, explaining what he's found and that they've isolated an area of about 1000 households to search. And then his voice gets all unsteady like he's about to cry and...
#4. #4 all over the damn place.
Anyway. The following morning, we cut back to Scully who is once again handcuffed to the radiator. Dupre wakes her up, telling her what he remembers about their weekend in the woods... and then starts flashing to Dupre's memories of being shot in the bank. He starts screaming the same things he did then, and for a moment, Scully sees Dupre slumped on the couch instead of Willis.
There is a knock at the door - an undercover cop disguised as a Bible salesman. Lula answers but closes the door on him quickly. The cop instantly gets on the radio to call in Lula's location.
Inside, Scully tells Lula that "Willis" is dead. She gets close to him to deliver her final nasty goodbye, and he lurches up and grabs her gun. Outside, agents move into position around the house, with Mulder of course in the lead. Lula tries to sweet talk Dupre out of killing her, saying they can still get away; he tells her that death is nothing to be afraid of, kisses her, and pulls the trigger. At the sound of the gunshot, the FBI agents kick down the door and Mulder runs to Scully's side. He hovers over her in concern, but she's only worried about "Willis"... who is now slumped in the corner, dead for real this time. Dupre's tattoo fades from his arm.
Later, Scully is cleaning out Willis's desk when Mulder brings her his watch, which he got from the morgue. It was a gift from Scullly on Willis's 35th birthday - and it stopped at 6:47, the exact time he when into cardiac arrest at the hospital.
And we get one of the most ambiguous final exchanges thus far:
I would like to note that I wrote the second half of this post using one of those split ergonomic keyboards and it felt strangely good. Like, weird, because I'm not used to hitting certain keys (most notably the B key) with the correct fingers but at least my wrists are nicely supported. It also feels like I'm typing from the future, which is pretty cool.
This week we're looking at 1x15 Lazaraus, the first of four count 'em four episodes in S1 that focus on the idea of immortality / coming back from the dead. It's like one of the writers had the idea, and then everyone else thought they could write a story about it too, and they just decided "Fuck it, we'll shoot all of 'em." Which is how we wind up with Lazarus (dead guy comes back in someone else's body), Young at Heart (dead guy comes back as, like, a backwards-aging lizard or something), Born Again (dead guy comes back in someone else's body, but this time it's a little girl), and Roland (dead guy comes back by possessing his long lost mentally-challenged brother). Every season seems to have at least one episode about life-after-death and the possibility of returning to this mortal coil from beyond the grave, but this season has more than any other and it just feels weird, especially because they come in two back-to-back pairs: 1x15 Lazarus / 1x16 Young at Heart and 1x22 Born Again / 1x23 Roland. And three of them are basically the same but with different possessed vessels.
This episode does give us some insight into Scully's past, which as far as I'm concerned is the best part of it. We already know, thanks to Fire, that Mulder has a thing for dark-haired women who treat him like crap (maybe this has something to do with his sister); in this episode, we learn that Scully has a thing for older men who are in some way inappropriate for her (which is totally a daddy-issue thing). These people don't have issues. They have subscriptions.
Anyway, in case you've forgotten, here's a list of the themes we'll be examining as we go through each recap:
1. The show is as much about Scully's journey toward becoming a believer as it is about the paranormal events she and Mulder encounter.
2. Scully is only a skeptic when viewing things from a clinical distance; when the shit hits the fan, she acts on Mulder's crazy beliefs because she knows it will keep her alive.
3. Mulder isn't right nearly as often as he thinks.
4. The evolution of the Mulder/Scully relationship - not just the romantic involvement that eventually occurs, but their dynamics of trust and distrust, the changing ways they view each other, and the friendship that grows over time.
5. Assault on a federal officer never seems to lead to jail time.
6. Mulder is kind of a dick.
7. Hotels, car rental places, and apartment landlords must be crazy to rent to FBI agents.
8. The enormous top-secret government conspiracy actually really sucks at keeping things quiet.
9. There are some serious homoerotic undertones in this show.
10. The X-files department is super toxic to anyone who comes close to it.
11. Mulder and Scully are both terrible at their jobs.
12. Local law enforcement is protrayed in an extremely negative light.
13. This show is white-washed as fuck. And almost all the non-whites are villains or stereotypes.
14. Bathtubs are scary, terrible places that should be avoided at all costs.
15. Plot and logic will be completely discarded just so Scully can have some reason not to witness the big paranormal events of the episode.
Maryland Marine Bank
5:55 PM
We open on Scully and another agent, Jack Willis, totally failing at looking casual while they stake out the bank - they've gotten a tip it's about to be robbed. There's just enough familiarity in the way they talk to each other to let the viewer know they're not just colleagues.
Meanwhile, outside, a couple of bank robbers are getting ready to go Bonnie and Clyde on the place. The woman, Lula, seems a bit nervous but the man, Dupre, is far too sexually aroused at the prospect of money and violence to care about her feelings. He kisses her, and we see the tattoo on his arm.

Dupre throws on a hockey mask and kicks his way into the bank, demanding the teller hand over all the money. Willis and Scully pull their guns on him, and Dupre starts to slowly lower his gun... then raises it again lightning quick and shoots Willis in the chest. Scully puts 3 rounds into the robber, dropping him.
Later, in the hospital, a bunch of doctors are gathered around Willis, trying to get his heart started again, while Scully hovers nearby looking very worried. The other doctors want to give up, but Scully pushes them to keep shocking his heart again and again... and unnoticed by everyone but the viewer, Dupre's nearby corpse convulses each time they shock Willis. Finally they get a rhythm, and the camera pans over to linger on the tattoo on Dupre's arm.
Betheda Naval Hospital
12:51 A.M.
Two Days Later
After the opening credits, we cut to a hospital room where "Willis" is hooked up to a bunch of machines. He wakes suddenly and goes to another patient's room to steal his clothes. A nurse comes in and he hides in the bathroom, ready to strangle her with a piece of rubber tubing. Luckily she leaves without noticing him, and he seems confused when he looks into the mirror. He goes down to the morgue and finds Dupre's body in a drawer and (ew ew ew) cuts its finger off to get the wedding ring.

So, uh, spoiler alert, guys, but that's not Willis. That's Dupre in Willis's body. Like, they're not really subtle about it at all, and it gets confirmed just a few minutes into the episode when Dupre's tattoo starts showing up on Willis's arm. For the sake of clarity, rather than typing "Dupre in Willis's body" every time, I'm just going to refer to him as Dupre, and "Willis" is shorthand for "the guy everyone thinks is Willis but is really Dupre in Willis's body."... because my wrist still hurts and won't you please have some pity on me?
Later, Mulder and Scully meet up in the morgue where everyone is more than a little weirded out by the fact that "Willis" is missing and someone cut off Dupre's corpse's finger. Scully thinks "Willis" might have done it out of stress and that he's vanished to hunt down Dupre's partner/lover, Lula.
She's right - Dupre kicks down the door of Lula's home but finds it empty. He rolls up his sleeve to root around in the chimney (presumably for a gun or the stolen money) and sees that his tattoo is slowly showing up on his shiny new body.
![]() |
Either a dead man's tattoo is appearing on his arm, or he picked up a really gnarly rash at that hospital. |
Back at the X-Files office, Mulder shows Scully a couple of prints lifted from the shears used to sever the corpse's finger - prints which indicate that the person was left handed. It's a positive match to Willis's print, but he was right-handed; Dupre, however, was a lefty. He shows her an EKG from the ER that shows Willis's cardiac activity, and she grudgingly admits that it looks like there are two heartbeats.

MULDER: Two men died in that crash room, Scully. One man came back. The question is … which one?University of Maryland
Department of Biology
Mulder drags Scully to meet another of his crackpot cohorts, this one a professor of biology who asks Scully what she knows about near-death experiences. He's basically a thinly-veiled deus ex machina who tells the audience what a near-death experience is and how sometimes people come back... different. I feel like this would have worked better as one of Mulder's kooky slideshow exposition things, because we will never see this professor again and he's otherwise completely irrelevant to the story, but maybe they were tired of having Mulder be the constant know-it-all. This scene feels more like sitting in a lecture hall than watching a hit prime-time TV show.
Scully, however, is still convinced that "Willis" is still Willis. She tells Mulder that she and Willis dated when he was still her instructor at the FBI Academy and wow should that be a red flag.
![]() |
His mind just went so many places his face doesn't know what to do right now. |
Dang, Scully. Who knew beneath that enormous fucking trench coat there beats the heart of a strumpet. I can't tell if Mulder in that screencap is turned on, freaked out, shocked at the realization that Scully is a sexual being, or considering what he'd have to do to get Scully to drop that cool veneer for him, too. #4?
Oh, and she mentions that she and Willis have the same birthday.
Cut to Dupre kicking down some poor schmuck's door and assaulting him in his shitty-ass apartment. The schmuck is Lula's brother, Tommy, and Dupre wants to know where she is. Dupre starts bleeding, as if from a gunshot wound, and gets creepily sentimental about Lula before shooting her brother in the freaking head.
Because nothing says, "I love you" like murdering someone's sibling.
Crime Scene
Desmond Arms Resident Hotel
Mulder, Scully, and a bunch of other agents poke around the shitty-ass
Mulder, sensing that something isn't quite right, follows Willis to the shooting range (where he is firing left-handed) and gets him to sign a birthday card for Scully (which he also does left-handed, and also her birthday is months away).
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That is one ugly fucking card, Mulder... |
I mean, I get that this is early seasons-Scully and she's not all the way on board Mulder's crazy train. And they're talking about her ex here, so she's even more defensive than usual. But this is stubborn even for Scully. Out-of-character stubborn. Normally at this point in the episode she's at least sort of thinking that maybe something spooky could conceivably be happening, or at least humoring Mulder enough to allow him to go poking his (distinguished) nose into things. At a bare minimum, she should be considering that Willis has been seriously affected by the whole "almost dying" thing, maybe even suffering brain damage after being clinically dead for over 13 minutes - especially with that bit about the handwriting. But she seems totally blase about it, just accepting that "Willis" passed his psych and physical evals and has been cleared to return to duty.
Also there is NO WAY that Dupre would pass an actual FBI psych eval. He's a former prison guard who fell in love (obsessively in love, mind you) with an inmate and then spent a year crisscrossing the country on a bank robbery / murder spree. It's not like he has access to the real Willis's memories or anything to help him pass the test - after all, then he'd remember Scully's birthday and how to sign his host's name. If that guy can actually pass a FBI psychological exam, then there's hope for just about anyone (and it explains how Mulder got in in the first place...).
To Scully's credit, she does at least make some effort to make sure "Willis" is okay - she heads up to his cubicle at the VCU to ask about the missing fingerprint. He's a little distracted, however, because he's just received a phone call with a lead to Lula's location: a landlord thinks that Lula is in his building.
Scully and Dupre head out (for some reason Scully doesn't see fit to bring Mulder along...). "Willis" says he's called for backup but insists they can't wait any longer. They spot Lula just as she's about to go do some laundry.
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That's... that's not really the face of a man hunting down a fugitive... |
They give chase, with Scully finally tackling and cuffing Lula in the basement of the building after a brief struggle. Dupre approaches, picks up Scully's gun... and tosses her a pair of handcuffs, ordering her at gunpoint to put them on. And not in that cool sexy way you know they did before.
Scully FINALLY keys in that something is kind of amiss here
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There's a Dreamland joke in here somewhere, I just know it. |
when "Willis" starts caressing Lula's face and getting weirdly sentimental.
We skip some time and probably a very awkward car ride and cut to Scully cuffed to a radiator, her lip swollen and bloody. Dupre is trying to convince Lula that he's still him, just with a new face, by telling her stories of their time together.
LULA: (not convinced) Okay. Okay, what did we do after we got married?I honestly can't decide if that's truly bizarre or kind romantic. I sort of figured that these aren't the kind of people who really worry too much about consequences, but still. HIV? Hepatitis? Tetanus from the dirty knife? And who knows what other gross shit you might have gotten in those wounds considering you cut yourselves on a BEACH. My sister went swimming once with a tiny burst blister on her heel. She wound up with a serious staph infection.
WILLIS: (suggestively) Right after?
LULA: After that.
WILLIS: Well, we went down to the beach. I took out my buck knife and I sliced open my palm and then I slit open your palm … and we let the blood drip down in the water.
LULA: Then what did you say to me?
WILLIS: I said, "This is so we can be married in all the oceans of the world." And then I made you a solemn oath … (holds up wedding ring that he cut from his own corpse) to never take this ring off my finger. Ever. I mean to keep that promise.
Lula must be way less paranoid about her health than I am, because that story seems to convince her that this really is Dupre, just wearing Willis's face. And she doesn't seem too thrilled about it:
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Also, he just said his new body will feel the same in the dark, which would freak out just about anybody. |
We cut back to the apartment building where Mulder and some other agent have just finished talking to the landlord who gave "Willis" the tip. Mulder manages to keep a terse front to mask just how badly he's freaking out about the fact that Scully has now been missing for 12 hours. Luckily he doesn't have to wait much longer - Dupre calls his cell seemingly just to taunt him with Scully's frightened voice.
After Dupre hangs up, Scully tries to reason with him, reaching to the Willis she thinks is still inside - she tells him the real Willis's birthday and address, and about a weekend the two of them spent at his parents' cabin in a snow storm. Dupre starts seeing flashes of those memories, but he pushes those memories away, telling Scully he remembers that she shot him and then let him die in order to save Willis... but he came back instead.
He jabs a gun into her face but Lula comes in before he can pull the trigger, reminding him that they need Scully alive. He takes a sip of her soda and Scully tells him that Jack Willis's body is diabetic and pleads with him to get insulin before he goes into a diabetic coma.

It says a lot about Scully's character that even though "Willis" cuffed her, kidnapped her, hit her at least once, and shoved a gun into her cheek and threatened to blow her away, she still wants to save his life. This is almost the anti-#1, refusing to believe in the weird shit that's happening even though her life is in danger, because she doesn't want to accept that someone she cares about is gone. This scene kind of sets up her relationship with Mulder - how she constantly tries to save him even when he's an ass, even when it causes her to suffer, and how she refuses to give up on him no matter how grim things get. Not gonna mark that as #4 just yet, but it's an interesting character trait to see developing.
FBI Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
Mulder pours over Willis's notes about Lula and Dupre, hoping for some clue as to where they could be holding Scully. On a tape recording, Willis talks about the "intoxicating freedom" of their life of crime. He gets a page (OMG a pager! It's like seeing the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park for the first time) and calls a meeting with some other agents. He says that a gas station just got robbed but the only thing taken was insulin, so Scully and "Willis" must be nearby.
Back at... wherever they are, Dupre has released Scully, who is getting ready to give him an insulin injection before he passes out. Lula stops her, pointing a gun at her and knocking the insulin to the floor. She tells Dupre that she was the one who tipped the FBI to the bank robbery in the teaser - she just wanted to get rid of him and keep the money.

Damn bitch, you cold.
Cut to the FBI office. Mulder gets a call from Lula, who wants a million dollars by tomorrow or Scully dies. Mulder, less than happy, drops this line:
MULDER: (on phone, threatening) You listen to me --- you lay one hand on Scully, and so help me, God ----Yeaaaaaaaaaah... remember back in the pilot, how he was all "nothing matters to me but finding out the truth about my sister and the shadow government conspiracy surrounding it"? I guess we found something that matters. This is pretty much the first time we see Mulder exhibit such fear and anger at the thought of Scully being in danger. He really could lose her this time, and he realizes how much he wants her to live. He doesn't seem to give a shit about Dupre-in-Willis, even though it's real hard evidence of something spooky - he just wants Scully back. #4.
They can't trace the phone number because Lula called on Scully's cell (and triangulating from cell towers or using a phone's internal GPS was not a thing back then, my sweet summer children) but they CAN filter out Lula's voice to analyze the background noise. They manage to isolate the sound of a small-engine plane taking off.
Mulder calls a meeting in the briefing room, explaining what he's found and that they've isolated an area of about 1000 households to search. And then his voice gets all unsteady like he's about to cry and...
#4. #4 all over the damn place.
Anyway. The following morning, we cut back to Scully who is once again handcuffed to the radiator. Dupre wakes her up, telling her what he remembers about their weekend in the woods... and then starts flashing to Dupre's memories of being shot in the bank. He starts screaming the same things he did then, and for a moment, Scully sees Dupre slumped on the couch instead of Willis.
There is a knock at the door - an undercover cop disguised as a Bible salesman. Lula answers but closes the door on him quickly. The cop instantly gets on the radio to call in Lula's location.
Inside, Scully tells Lula that "Willis" is dead. She gets close to him to deliver her final nasty goodbye, and he lurches up and grabs her gun. Outside, agents move into position around the house, with Mulder of course in the lead. Lula tries to sweet talk Dupre out of killing her, saying they can still get away; he tells her that death is nothing to be afraid of, kisses her, and pulls the trigger. At the sound of the gunshot, the FBI agents kick down the door and Mulder runs to Scully's side. He hovers over her in concern, but she's only worried about "Willis"... who is now slumped in the corner, dead for real this time. Dupre's tattoo fades from his arm.
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In a few years, Scully will wish she were capable of the same easy tatt removal. |
And we get one of the most ambiguous final exchanges thus far:
SCULLY: What does that mean?So.... yeah. There ya go. I'm not saying I hate this episode - I don't. I find the premise interesting but overall felt the delivery was lacking. I give it a B-. The bit with Dupre's tattoo felt very contrived, as if the writers were trying to lead the audience to one conclusion by saying, "Hey look, he hasn't lost his mind, someone else is riding his body." But then they double back on that by having Dupre experience Willis's memories near the end. WTF is that supposed to mean? Flesh memory? The real Willis still alive inside somewhere? The real Willis reaching back into his body from beyond the grave? I wish so badly they'd left that part with the tattoo out altogether and left it up to the viewer's interpretation as to whether Willis was just losing his mind or if Dupre really was inhabiting his body. I'd rather have more unanswered questions that leave me with something to think about that a couple of mediocre answers spoonfed to me that don't make much sense.
MULDER: It means … It means whatever you want it to mean. (gently) Good night.
I would like to note that I wrote the second half of this post using one of those split ergonomic keyboards and it felt strangely good. Like, weird, because I'm not used to hitting certain keys (most notably the B key) with the correct fingers but at least my wrists are nicely supported. It also feels like I'm typing from the future, which is pretty cool.
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